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Telesat Lightspeed Network Emulator

Introducing the Telesat Lightspeed Network Emulator

This physical test platforms allows customers to emulate the Telesat Lightspeed network and Carrier Ethernet service in advance of service launch. A valuable tool to assist with customer network planning decisions, the Network Emulator provides the ability to test traffic, validate applications and compare Telesat Lightspeed performance versus alternative networks.

Telesat Lightspeed Network Emulator equipment

Simple integration with enterprise networks

The Emulator is a plug-and-play platform with common Ethernet network interfaces to easily deploy within customer networks. It is pre-loaded with Telesat Lightspeed system configuration run-time with satellites, Landing Stations, and related links to serve User Terminals and Points of Interconnect in geographical regions. It contains a graphical user interface for control of platform, end-point configurations, services and performance dash boards.


  • Assess Telesat Lightspeed Value – application performance, advanced service configurations, quality of service (QoS) benefits
  • Customer Use Cases and Engagement – vertical-specific capabilities, guided development of tailored solutions, demonstrations and testing with end customers
  • Government and Defence – encryption, secure links, training and simulations
  • Accelerate Time to Market and Early Revenue Generation – point of presence (PoP) selection, user terminal assessment, solution implementation decisions
  • Cost-effective testing – efficient resource utilization, scalability, risk mitigation, and time savings


Sample Test Cases

  • Connected encrypted voice and data services through the emulator using the customer’s existing equipment, which is currently utilized for GEO operational services
  • Demonstrated and tested emergency response WiFi deployment equipment through the emulator
  • Conducted tests involving flying a drone and streaming video footage
  • Evaluated the performance of online gaming
  • Tested a hybrid deployment between GEO and the Telesat Lightspeed emulator, showing seamless integration without any issues
  • Assessed end-user quality of experience for internet-based applications such as Netflix (TCP/IP), YouTube (UDP), and Microsoft Teams (UDP)

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